Filling in this form will take approximately 8 minutes. You're soon going to have an account with our bank. Please, fill in the form in Ukrainian.

Personal Data


Your personal details

Please upload the scans of your document

Drag&Drop files here or press upload

Drag&Drop files here or press upload

Filling in this form will take approximately 8 minutes. You're soon going to have an account with our bank. Please, fill in the form in Ukrainian.

Contact Data


Correspondence address


Filling in this form will take approximately 8 minutes. You're soon going to have an account with our bank. Please, fill in the form in Ukrainian.

Professional Data


Filling in this form will take approximately 8 minutes. You're soon going to have an account with our bank. Please, fill in the form in Ukrainian.

Terms & Conditions


I hereby attest to the following:

I provide my consent to the permanent processing of my personal data in the composition and with the content indicated in this form. I consent to the use of my data expressly for the purpose of being analysed by ProCredit Bank to determine my eligibility for banking services. Furthermore, I consent to my data being processed by other parties related to the ProCredit group and by parties acting on behalf of or contracted by ProCredit Bank, as well as by parties whose services are directly connected with the processing of my personal data, which may include the transfer of my personal data outside Ukraine.

I have familiarised myself with my rights provided by Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”.

I am aware that filling in this form does not lead to the mandatory opening of an account with ProCredit Bank

Filling in this form will take approximately 8 minutes. You're soon going to have an account with our bank. Please, fill in the form in Ukrainian.

Additional information


Characteristics of your financial position

Filling in this form will take approximately 8 minutes. You're soon going to have an account with our bank. Please, fill in the form in Ukrainian.

Account setup


For opening a current account the selected products are mandatory